Hospital In-Person » Carlson Hospital Instruction

Carlson Hospital Instruction

Carlson Hospital Instruction


Carlson students receive face-to-face instruction in the hospital, and they receive five hours of instruction per week.


Elementary students receive instruction in grade level English and Math.


Middle School students (grades 6-8) and High School students (grade 9-12) take two courses, usually grade level English and Math.


Emergent Bilingual (EB) students receive an additional 2.5 hours per week of instruction.


Diploma Bound High School Students


Diploma bound high school students who attend Carlson may need credit recovery to stay on track with completing a high school diploma.


Please consider the following: Carlson is NOT WASC accredited, and this may have implications when applying to 4-year colleges and universities, and for NCAA eligibility if the student plans to play in college level sports. If applying to a UC or CSU upon graduating from high school, the school issuing the diploma may apply Principal Certification in which they approve courses completed at Carlson to be listed on the transcript. Carlson’s accreditation status does not affect attending a community college.


The following are alternative educational options in LAUSD that are WASC accredited and offer all courses needed to earn a diploma, including Honors level and AP coursework:


  • City of Angelsindependent study school — students meet at least once a week with a teacher either virtually or in-person; students are assigned work to complete throughout the week. More information about City of Angels:



Sometimes the benefits of hospital instruction outweigh the concerns you may have about your child becoming off track. So, it's best to make an informed decision when choosing to continue enrollment at Carlson.


Please be advised that Carlson does not issue diplomas, so it's always best to confirm progress with the School Counselor at your child’s school.


Reach out to the School Counselor at Carlson HHS if you have any questions about attending Carlson or instructional options for your child.


Please visit the School Counseling Website: for information on earning a diploma in LAUSD and options to earn a diploma or equivalency.